Tag: Roger Dawson

  • Finding the right spot for the puzzle pieces

    Bird Droppings December 14, 2013 Finding the right spot for the puzzle pieces “In order to learn the nature of the myriad things, you must know that although they may look round or square, the other features of oceans and mountains are infinite in variety; whole worlds are there. It is so not only around…

  • Can you give it one more try?

    Bird Droppings December 12, 2013 Can you give it one more try? “You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out, but you gotta suit up for them all.” Satchel Paige often attributed to J. Askenberg Sitting here this morning after walking the dog out into one of the coldest nights and mornings…

  • How we perceive is often the beginning

    Bird Droppings December11, 2013 How we perceive is often the beginning “I love a people who have always made me welcome to the best that they had. I Love a people who are honest without laws, who have no jails and no poorhouses. I love a people who keep the commandments without having ever read…

  • Possibilities

    Bird Droppings December 10, 2013 Possibilities “Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.” Les Brown I was sitting talking with one of my sons yesterday remembering when I was their age. I should say trying to remember when I was their age that would be more appropriate. It has been a few days…

  • Why do we even have public education?

    Bird Droppings December 9, 2013 Why do we even have public education? For teachers today is the National Day of Action. Standup for what you believe in. I shared an article that references children as others yesterday. Our children to corporate entities are simply others, consumers and I have seen the world capital used in…

  • Go up another rung!

    Bird Droppings December 8, 2013 Go up another rung! A week or so of testing is coming up and the mountain is nearly climbed as we approach the holidays. I even with my aversion to shopping will be going out with my wife to brave the masses of the malls and finish up the majority…

  • Words can be significant and or meaningless

    Bird Droppings December 6, 2013 Words can be significant and or meaningless So often when we open our mouths to speak but do we really think about what it is we are going to say. Often it sort of just spills out. Occasionally we wonder I wish I could have held on to that word…

  • What is the Holy Grail solution/answer in education?

    Bird Droppings December 5, 2013 What is the Holy Grail solution/answer in education? “Obsessive search for the holy grail through only that which can be measured and documented effectively diminishes the sacred and leaves us standing empty without souls.” Dr. Grant Bennett A day or two ago I got a bit carried away and wandered…

  • What is this aspect you cannot teach teachers?

    Bird Droppings December 4, 2013 What is this aspect you cannot teach teachers? “Studies suggest that instructional and management processes are key to effectiveness, but many interview and survey responses about effective teaching emphasize the teacher’s affective characteristics, or social and emotional behaviors, more than pedagogical practice.” James H. Stronge, Qualities of Effective Teachers I…

  • Can we find answers outside our windows?

    Bird Droppings December 3, 2013 Can we find answers outside our windows? As I read and pondered a world engrossed with money and how we can spend money. I wonder if perhaps some of the thinking that is bringing so many American Indians back to their more traditional world views has merit. I was trying…