Tag: Decouvertes

  • Actions speak so much louder than words

    Bird Droppings March 16, 2014 Actions speak so much louder than words I have been away from my computer for several days after being sent home from school by the school nurse. My wife came and picked me up. After three weeks of blood pressure issues heart tests of all sorts and exams poked and…

  • Teaching and life are simply feeding wolves

    Bird Droppings March 12, 2014 Teaching and life are simply feeding wolves I have heard and seen this in many forms. “’One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a debate that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two “wolves” inside us all. One is Evil. It is…

  • A good teacher teaches so the journey continues not ends

    Bird Droppings March 11, 2014 A good teacher teaches so the journey continues not ends “I have never found the companion that was as companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers.” Henry David Thoreau, “Solitude,” Walden, 1854 There…

  • Why is it when putting a puzzle together a piece is always left behind?

    Bird Droppings March 10, 2014 Why is it when putting a puzzle together a piece is always left behind? “All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another!” Gail Sheehy, American journalist,…

  • Teachers can we change things?

    Bird Droppings March 9, 2014 Teachers can we change things? “Therefore the shortage of effective teachers is not a problem that can be solved by a new structure. It is caused by how we train and manage teachers, and can only be solved by improving the way we do this, no matter what the structure…

  • I am pondering about Dr. Carl G. Jung and “school reform” and I find the answer is simple, CARING.

    Bird Droppings March 8, 2013 I am pondering about Dr. Carl G. Jung and “school reform” and I find the answer is simple, CARING. “If there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves.” Carl…

  • Why should life be a difficult journey?

    Bird Droppings March 6, 2014 Why should life be a difficult journey? “Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.” Henry Van Dyke I was visiting with my mother last week and I walked by my fathers and brothers grave site or I…

  • What is it like to be caught up in a moment of quiet?

    Bird Droppings March 5, 2014 What is it like to be caught up in a moment of quiet? Well it has been a day or two since the last occasionally coo or whisper on the baby monitor in the living room went off. My son and his family found a great little house nearby and…

  • Is it only a dropped feather?

    Bird Droppings March 4, 2014 Is it only a dropped feather? “If we consider the eagle feather with its light and dark colors, we could argue that ‘the dark colors are more beautiful and, therefore, naturally more valuable,’ or vice versa. Regardless of which colors are more beautiful, or necessary, or valuable, the truth is…

  • Taking a break even though I don’t want too

    Bird Droppings February pre28th – hopefully sooner than later Taking a break even though I don’t want too Somehow for nearly fifteen years I have written and produced Bird Dropping into Word Press, Facebook and in the past yahoo groups and an email list of people wanting to read Bird Droppings. Even on days I…